Single phase Current Transducer
Rentang saat ini: 1A, 5A, 0 ~ 300A Opsional;
Keluaran: 0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V,0~10V;
Daya Kerja: 12V atau 24V DC
Microthings Software as a Services
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Modbus Remote IO Module
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Tool and Instrumentation
Any Sensors and Detector can Connected to Sensor to Cloud, Smart Devices Controller, and Send Data to Microthings Platform
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Microthings Software as a Services
Sensor to Cloud
Modbus Remote IO Module
Smart Automatic Meter Reading
Smart Tracking System
Smart Lighting System
Tool and Instrumentation
Any Sensors and Detector can Connected to Sensor to Cloud, Smart Devices Controller, and Send Data to Microthings Platform
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Global Partnership
100 in stock
Single phase Current Transducer
Rentang saat ini: 1A, 5A, 0 ~ 300A Opsional;
Keluaran: 0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V,0~10V;
Daya Kerja: 12V atau 24V DC
100 in stock
CompareSingle phase Current Transducer
Rentang saat ini: 1A, 5A, 0 ~ 300A Opsional;
Keluaran: 0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V,0~10V;
Daya Kerja: 12V atau 24V DC
Weight | 1 kg |
Rentang saat ini: 1A, 5A, 0 ~ 300A Opsional;
Keluaran: 0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V,0~10V;
Daya Kerja: 12V atau 24V DC
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Three phase Current Transducer With Output Analog 0-5V Khusus untuk pengukuran arus daya AC 3 fasa A, B, C Fasa. Ini adalah kelas industri, keandalan tinggi, konsumsi daya rendah, stabilitas tinggi dan transduser analog presisi tinggi.
Transduser Listrik Cerdas 3 Fase Khusus untuk Tegangan 3 Fase, Arus, Daya Aktif, Daya Aktif Kembali, Pengukuran Faktor Daya, ouput 4 ~ 20mA, 0 ~ 5V, maks 6 saluran
Khusus untuk tegangan listrik AC 3-fase, arus, daya aktif (nilai absolut), daya reaktif (nilai absolut), pengukuran faktor daya (0 ~ 1), dapat memilih output 6 saluran 4 ~ 20mA;
Rentang tegangan: 100V, 260V, 450V opsional;
Rentang current: 1A, 5A opsional, lebih tinggi dari 5A membutuhkan trafo eksternal;
Keluaran: 0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V,0~10V;
Tenaga Kerja: 12V atau 24V DC.
VTI100 khusus untuk pengukuran tegangan daya AC satu fase. Ini adalah kelas industri, keandalan tinggi, konsumsi daya rendah, stabilitas tinggi dan transduser analog presisi tinggi.
VTI100 digunakan secara luas sebagai pengukur tegangan Base Transceiver Station, ruang generator diesel, ruang mesin, gardu transformator, ruang peralatan telekomunikasi, sistem catu daya, dan sebagainya.
This product is intelligently designed, and uses many advanced technologies such as digital adjustment, no potentiometer, and automatic zero point calibration.
It can be used in conjunction with various instruments, DCS, PLC and other equipment, and has a wide range of applications in major projects in the petroleum, petrochemical, manufacturing, electric power, metallurgical and other industries.
1. Patented power supply voltage retaining wall technology to achieve high isolation between power input and output
2. Dedicated EMC devices with property rights to achieve high anti-interference signal input and output
3. Adopt brand-new imported chips to improve energy efficiency and achieve ultra-low power consumption
4. 0.1% high precision to protect back-end equipment
5. Adopt brand new imported terminals, each terminal can be plugged and unplugged under power
6. Response speed =0.5s
7. With HART protocol
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